Beat the Peak

Beat the Peak

Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative’s “Beat the Peak” program is a voluntary call to action for energy awareness among members to reduce electricity usage between 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on our hottest days in the summer and 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on our coldest days in the winter. During these times, our region uses the greatest amount of electricity. Beat the Peak is a voluntary program that encourages our members to conserve or limit energy usage during peak demand times when your Cooperative is purchasing power at higher market prices and generating at times of higher fuel costs.

How Does It Work?

A “Beat the Peak” email, text, or SmartHub message will be sent when our electric usage is near its peak due to extreme temperatures. Notification settings can be managed/changed by logging into your SmartHub account and clicking Notifications/Manage Notifications On Demand. The messages will be sent in advance of the event, and ask that you voluntarily conserve energy at this time to help keep your rates low. Remember, the cost of electricity during peak times is much higher compared to times of normal electrical demand. By limiting the amount of power used during these peak high-priced energy periods, the Cooperative can reduce its total power costs and pass those savings on to you.

Once you receive a message, you can divert electric usage by:

  • Raising Your Thermostat 3 Degrees
  • Delaying Major Appliance Usage
  • Delaying Hot Water Usage

Demand and energy costs for electricity are significantly increasing. During high-cost “Peak” energy periods high-priced fuels are used to meet our needs. The energy produced from these sources significantly impacts the cost of your electricity and generates more greenhouse gas emissions during the worst period possible. The key to curbing these trends is to reduce the amount of energy we use, especially during peak times. Your Cooperative cannot do this alone.

We Need Your Help! Together we can “Beat the Peak” by using our electricity wisely.

Visit SmartHub to sign-up and help us Beat the Peak!

*You must be a registered SmartHub user to manage notifications.